This has happened
that we might not rely on ourselves
that we might not rely on ourselves
but on God Who raises the dead.
He has delivered us from such a deadly
and He will deliver us again.
On Him we have set our hope
that He will continue to deliver us.
that He will continue to deliver us.
II Corinthians 1:9,10
Bub, our safe bubble was threatened by
water damage. The water line under the kitchen sink dripped water, and from our eyes poured tears as we cried to God again.
Last Wednesday, after a visit to our
chiropractor because Janelle's back went out, after the four hour
trip to Greensburg, Pennsylvania, and after handing over a sizeable
bank check for the travel trailer and officially owning it, Janelle and I
sat at the dinette and started to relax. From that vantage point, I
noticed the puddle of water at the base of the galley sink cabinetry.
The Airstream service crew immediately tightened what was loose,
lifted up the base on the floor to air out and tested the water line
again. Leak fixed, they finally got to go home after staying for us over three hours past their normal time to leave.
Per my request, on Thursday the service
men removed the wood base that was saturated as a result of the
Friday, my first
solo towing experience was twenty minutes away to the nearest campground.
Janelle and I high-fived after successfully de-coupling the Bub from
the Beast. We mastered our first electric and water hook-ups.
Saturday, there was a little puddle of
water on the shelving under the galley sink. We stopped using the
kitchen faucet.
Sunday, we disconnected the water hook
up to the trailer because the water line continued to drip.
Monday morning, before hitching the Bub
to the Beast to return to the Airstream dealership, Janelle and I beseeched the Lord for grace, protection and wisdom. Our tears pooled on the table and floor. For me, most
were tears of repentance. Over the past few weeks, I had dismissed a subtle
nudge to examine my heart. Now there was no ignoring the truth: I had transferred my hope from God to an Airstream
In the first few months of
homelessness, God clearly spoke II Corinthians 1:9 to my heart.
These circumstances were designed to teach me to not trust in myself
but in God alone. God alone.
After a year of asking for a way out
of the chaos of leaving one water damaged residence
after another, the Airstream answer became clear. Airstream has the
reputation for water tight recreational vehicles. All systems,
including plumbing are meticulously checked by the dealerships before
the final sale. A safe, leak-free Airstream became my hope for Janelle and me to get well.
Monday afternoon, the service crew put in a new line, eliminating extraneous connections. They checked behind the cabinetry to confirm that there was no water damage. Monday, with renewed desire, I purposed to trust in God alone.
It is still unsettling for our Safe
Bubble to have had a water leak. However, today I thank our God because it showed me my heart. There is only One Refuge, One
Hope, One Savior.
“Find rest O my soul, in God alone;
my hope comes from Him.
Trust in Him at all times, you people;
pour out your hearts to Him
for God is our refuge.”
Psalm 62:5,8