Friday, August 16, 2013

“When You discipline a man with rebukes for sin
You consume like a moth what is dear to him;
surely all mankind is a mere breath!”

Psalm 39:11

Quiet solitude and isolation are being used to help me see myself for what I really am. It's raw, and it's ugly.

The distractions of busyness have been exchanged by a slower pace. I'm displaced from the activities and relationships that I used to find identity in. There's time now to take in the panoramic view of my sin, weaknesses, shortcomings and failures. I used to think I was somebody special. (There, friend, is a glimpse of pride.) Now I know that I am nothing. I am nothing apart from Christ. I have nothing good in me. I have no strength, no wisdom, no righteousness of my own. Nothing to take pride in. Nothing.

Since my last post , with sorrow I've realized that I do not cherish Jesus supremely. It is true, I am much less attached to “things.” Yet in reality and practice, I cherish comfort and safety. I treasure my family. I've been brought to my knees with the realization of having nothing to bring to God except my sin, weaknesses, shortcomings and failures.

However, I am not left wallowing in my nothing-ness. This wide angle view of my insufficiency is being superseded by seeing God's all-surpassing sufficiency in Christ Jesus. He has made me an object of His mercy and love. He has given to me His righteousness. He is my strength. He is my wisdom. He is my glory and the lifter of my head. I am His and He is mine. Oh the wonder of His generosity and kindness to this poor sinner!

“Fairest Lord Jesus, Ruler of all nature
O Thou of God and man the Son
Thee will I cherish
Thee will I honor
Thou my soul's glory, joy and crown.”